If we haven’t answered your question here, please get in touch.
Our individual approach means you can join at any stage and at any week of the current term.
If you want to sign up but find the classes currently full, fear not – our waiting list is your ticket to securing a spot! Follow these simple steps on the Class for Kids website:
Our classes have a maximum of 6. Occasionally we have 7 in baby classes.
The pool is 7m length, 4m width and 1.2 depth and is well-suited for beginners, providing a safe environment for learning.
We welcome babies from 2 months old. The latest advice from the NHS is that babies do not need immunisations before swimming.
We ask that all babies & children who are not yet toilet trained wear a double nappy system. This means a swim nappy (disposable or reusable) must be worn with a neoprene nappy or shorts over the top.
If you need to purchase a neoprene nappy cover, please use our referral link for 10% off: https://www.konfidence.co.uk/pages/double-layer-bundle?ref=swimwithkayleigh
There are many different types of swim suits available; from traditional swimming costumes to neoprene warm suits and wraps. Warm suits and wraps are designed to keep little ones warmer for longer. If you need to purchase swim wear, please use our referral link for 10% off: https://www.konfidence.co.uk/?ref=swimwithkayleigh
No we use some swimming aids in class but we also encourage children to free swim regularly and not become attached to aids.
Please do not arrive more than ten minutes before your class.
This time is more than enough for little brains to focus and learn in the water.
No you do not. We do encourage you to put your face in and blow bubbles if you are comfortable to as this does help with your child’s development. If you are nervous please let us know.
The best way to do this is to swap each week. However we do ask that only one grown up comes in with each child at any one time.
This depends on what feels right for you and your child. We would talk to parents about the best time for your child. On average it’s around or just after their 4th birthday.
We introduce this skill gradually. For toddlers and beyond who are new to swimming, particularly those without prior experience, we focus on encouraging them to blow bubbles and become comfortable putting their faces in the water and picking up sinkies.
Due to limited space spectators must wait in reception and during busy periods are limited to one adult per child in water.
We understand that families like to capture photos of their little ones. This is a normal part of family life. However not everyone may have given concent therefore we will not allow spectators to photograph or film children during a class. When you sign up to lessons it will ask you for photo consent. We may take photographs of children whilst engaged in classes. Permission will always be asked prior to any photos being taken.
Parents should assess how ill your child is, there is no issue with them having a little cold we just ask you to use your common sense. Please do not bring your child swimming if they have any open wounds or illness such as an ear infection, diarrhoea, chicken pox, impetigo, conjunctivitis or coronavirus. Tummy bugs and sickness can spread quickly and we ask that all children stay out of the pool.
We offer catch up classes to baby & toddler classes in exceptional circumstances and where there is availability. Most of our classes are fully booked so it can be tricky to offer these on anything other than an exception basis.
We ask for full term payment in order to secure your space. This is necessary so that we can continue to run classes.
Booking and Payments:
Payment Options:
At the end of each term you will be auto enrolled on the next term. We will send an email explaining re-enrolment and deadlines before payment is due. If you do not wish to continue simply let us know via email by the advertised date and we will ensure you are removed or talk to you about your preferred options.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation by us:
Baby Bubbles Ltd
Nairn Hydrotherapy Pool, Cawdor Road, Nairn, IV12 5EB, United Kingdom